Workers Compensation
Workers Compensation is an insurance program that is state-mandated to cover a portion of lost wages and medical treatment when an employee suffers a work-related illness or injury and provides services to help an employee recover and return to the workforce. Coverage can also include death benefits.
Each day an employee is out of work hurts a business’ productivity. Keeping employees safe at work is an integral part of running any business. Workers compensation coverage provides you and your employee’s protection if a worker suffers an illness or injury during work hours.
Each state has its own set of unique compensation laws that employers must follow. These laws ensure that employers are providing coverage for work-related injuries and illnesses. An employee will only receive benefits if the illness or injury is work-related.
It is financially risky for a business to forgo workers comp coverage. A company can face fines for breaking the law and could be sued by employees for not having benefits in place for them if they are injured. Workers compensation also covers court costs and legal fees in the event an employee does sue you. Remember that workers compensation protects your employees and your business and an average cost of under $200 per month, it is a small price to pay.
Florida’s Workers Compensation Laws
Florida law requires all employers to purchase workers compensation insurance to cover an employee’s injuries and makes injury lawsuits by employees obsolete. The Division of Worker’s Compensation within the Department of financial services ensures employees receive medical expenses, disability or death benefits. This department regulates rates and forms for the compensation coverages established by law.
Experienced in Workers Compensation
The Gordon Agency is an employer appointed agent and offers employers workers compensation and services. Michael Gordon with the Gordon Agency has the knowledge and resources to find a reputable workers compensation insurance company to protect employers and assist employees with medications for work-related injuries with no out-of-pocket expenses, delivers claim services, and provide affordable treatment for injured workers.
While the most effective way to lower a business’ costs to prevent accidents in the first place, The Gordon Agency understands the reality that workers will and do get hurt. We work with multiple insurance carriers to ensure your employees have fewer days out of work by finding companies who can close claims fast.
This is the home of Florida’s Insurance Professionals. We are a multi-line independent agency that provides insurance solutions for both personal, and commercial lines – combining decades of relationship building with motivated licensed insurance agents to provide coverage options for all of your insurance needs. Our team of agents relies on our education, integrity, experience, and attention to detail to accurately assess each opportunity and to offer the optimal solutions for all of our clients. We are dedicated to matching the right product for every situation, always at the best price available. Call us at 561-988-3330, visit our website or paste our address in your browser
The Gordon Agency Inc.
1825 NW Corporate Blvd Ste 110,
Boca Raton, FL 33431
(561) 988-3330